Moose Meadow Lodge
607 Crossett Hill
Waterbury, Vermont 05676 USA
GPS oordinates: North 44° - 18' - 18.2" / West 72° - 46' - 53.6"
If you do not have reservations, please make an appointment to see the Moose Meadow Lodge.
Main Lodge Check-in is 4-6 pm. Treehouse Check-in may be as early as 1 pm. Check-out is 11 am. In order to properly prepare the Lodge in time for incoming guests, we appreciate your cooperation.
Thank you.
Warning: We do not recommend relying solely on your GPS or Internet
Warning: We do not recommend relying solely on your GPS or Internet maps. Print these directions.
Warning: We do not recommend relying solely on your GPS or Internet maps. Print these directions.
Please Note: Some GPS units take you to the other end of Crossett Hill near the intersection with Morse Road. We are about 2.5 miles from Morse Road.
Did we mention... We do not recommend relying solely on your GPS or Internet maps. Print these directions.